Are you the shortest in your group?

Short Knight
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Are you the shortest in your group?
post #1

I am. I would say there is about 10 guys in my group but 3 are drifters so 7 including myself. Of those seven only two guys are under 5'9, on is5'8, the other is me, 5'6. The rest range from 5'11 to 6'4. So I am the enjoyment of a lot of jokes. I don't mind so much anymore. They all call me mighty mouse. At first I hated it, but they said it wasn't meant to be an insult. I am just short and strong. 

Short Dame
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Re: Are you the shortest in your group?
post #2

Oh yes, I am 5'. All my friends are 5'4 and up. We go out as a group and I look like I am someones kid lol