Hello Everyone

Short Knight
Height: 5'9
Location: NC, United States
Joined: May 13, 2015
Posts: 101
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Hello Everyone
post #1

My name is Jackson but I go by Jack. I am on the taller side of short, being 5'9 which is considered the national average. I joined because aside from my mother who is 5'8, I am the shortest in my family. I have got some tall people around me! My father is 6'6, my one brother is 6'2 and my younger brother is 6'5. My grandparents on both sides are over 5'7. Anyways, while I am on the taller side, I am still short in my family.

Mr Dixon
Short Knight
Height: 5'6
Location: Dallas, United States
Joined: Mar 13, 2015
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Re: Hello Everyone
post #2

Welcome Jackson! Hope you enjoy it here. And wow do you have a tall family! lol

Short Knight
Height: 5'9
Location: NC, United States
Joined: May 13, 2015
Posts: 101
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Re: Hello Everyone
post #3

Thank Dixon I appreciate the welcome smile

Dark Willow
Short Knight
Height: 5'5
Location: The Moon, United States
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Re: Hello Everyone
post #4

Hey there! You may be the tallest member! haha I hope you enjoy it here.

Short Knight
Height: 5'7
Location: In a house?, United States
Joined: Mar 01, 2015
Posts: 154
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Re: Hello Everyone
post #5

Hey there Jackson! You certainly are one of our taller members but I can see why you feel short! I hope you are enjoying it here as much as I am.