If you can be anyone for 48 hours, who would it be?

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If you can be anyone for 48 hours, who would it be?
post #1

A dumb question I saw on Facebook. I felt like using it hear just to see how they match up to the comments I made. The only rules are that the people have to be the same sex, be alive, and you can't cause harm to anyone while you are said person.

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Re: If you can be anyone for 48 hours, who would it be?
post #2

I have seen this before. haha I am not sure. I guess I would want to be an actor just to see how life would be as one for two days. I pick Christian Bale. I would go to stores and do normal things and see how far/long it takes before I snap haha

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Re: If you can be anyone for 48 hours, who would it be?
post #3

Al Pacino. 

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Re: If you can be anyone for 48 hours, who would it be?
post #4


Originally posted by joshbaskins

Al Pacino. 

I knew someone was going to say him! 


For me, I would say Madonna. Yes she is old, but I would love to see how "old" she feels. Like how she lives her life and feels in her own body. Plus, she has got to have some amazing homes!