What do you sleep in?

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What do you sleep in?
post #1

Not sure if this is the right place but my friend laughed at me because I have to sleep in lounge/pj pants. I don't sleep in a shirt but I need pants on to be comfortble. He said I should be sleeping naked, I am a man. I don't get that lol Now I am curious... Not trying to come off as that kind of curious or anything, just want to see if I am alone here.

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Re: What do you sleep in?
post #2

I sleep in my boxers. I only don't like sleeping naked because of my cats. Nothing hurts more than when a cat starts playing with your junk at 4 in the morning. lmao

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Re: What do you sleep in?
post #3

I have been sleeping naked since I was like 14. I can't stand being in clothes and under blankets. haha

Mr Dixon
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Re: What do you sleep in?
post #4

Depends really. In the summer I will sleep in boxers, in the winter, just pant. When I sleep in the bed with a woman, naked. Not because anything happened or will happen, I just enjoy skin on skin and I get to hot with someone sleeping next to me. 

Dark Willow
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Re: What do you sleep in?
post #5

I am the same as Dixon, always naked with a woman, or in boxers.

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Re: What do you sleep in?
post #6


Originally posted by Dark Willow

I am the same as Dixon, always naked with a woman, or in boxers.

Sleeping naked with a woman in the bed is up there on my list. Not even because of the sex but just the skin on skin. Not sure what it is about that. haha