What's this about Uniqlo?

Short Cadette
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What's this about Uniqlo?
post #1

Not funny!!!!! Okay, maybe it is a little bit.... Have a sense of humor guys... smiley

Last Edited By ShortChops (2015-06-28 08:00:41)

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Re: What's this about Uniqlo?
post #2

LOL I never heard of this place but that is funny. Me and my friends do stupid texts like this to each other so I can see it being okay for friends to do it.

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Re: What's this about Uniqlo?
post #3

See the difference between me and GoKnicks is if my friend or brother sent me that text, next time I saw them I would upper cut them in the nuts. lol

Jelly Kelly
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Re: What's this about Uniqlo?
post #4

I never heard of them haha But this is a little funny. It is good to have a laugh now and then and not take things so serious.