My brother went on a date and you will not believe this

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My brother went on a date and you will not believe this
post #1

My brother is about 5'10. I don't know how I ended up so short lol anyways, his friend set him up with his girlfriend's cousin. I guess they had a great time but she said something that I had to share. 

"I have to be honest. Because I am so short, your height is a bit too tall for me."

She is my height. Says she prefers 5'5 to 5'9. 

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Re: My brother went on a date and you will not believe this
post #2

She is a rare one but I know there are women like this out there. I honestly feel like the ones who HAVE to be with ONLY tall men were brainwashed as children by Disney and other children's programming. 

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Re: My brother went on a date and you will not believe this
post #3


Originally posted by Spider

She is a rare one but I know there are women like this out there. I honestly feel like the ones who HAVE to be with ONLY tall men were brainwashed as children by Disney and other children's programming. 

I actually watched a video on brainwashing from Disney. It is on Youtube somewhere. It actually mentioned boys growing up to have a need to "muscle" and "height" while girls need to be "thin" and "perfect" with their hair, eyes, ect. 

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Re: My brother went on a date and you will not believe this
post #4

Good to know women like this are around. I never heard a woman prefer shorter men though. I know plenty date them but I guess it depends on the area. I am happily married to a woman who don't care about height. I guess I was lucky to find her haha

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Re: My brother went on a date and you will not believe this
post #5

Not all people care about looks. When people complain on here, and I am guilty myself, we all sound like we hate the world over our height and most of us don't. It just gets to the point where when you hear of a woman saying she "prefers" shorter men, it is like a system shock because most women, even short ones, will admit to preferring a man 6+ inches taller than them.