Trying to get in better shape

Short Knight
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Trying to get in better shape
post #1

What do you all do? I want to find something and stick with it. Lose a bit of fat and replace it with muscle. I have been eating better lately and it is showing in the form of weight loss. Not I need to start working out.

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Re: Trying to get in better shape
post #2

Do you enjoy any sports? I used to play basketball with friends every week and it really got me in good shape. I had fun doing it too.


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Re: Trying to get in better shape
post #3

I just run on a treadmill or hike with my dog. Nothing fancy. If you want to bulk up though, you need more than just cardio.

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Re: Trying to get in better shape
post #4

I like to lift a few times a week just to stay where I am at. I do roofing work though so I don't really need to push myself to stay in or get in shape.

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Re: Trying to get in better shape
post #5

I find that biking up hill does it for me. I go with friends and it makes it less about working out and more about just hanging out. You can even go on a hike with some friends up hill. Trust me, working out is no fun alone.

Short Knight
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Re: Trying to get in better shape
post #6

Thanks for all your replies fellas. I decided to actually join my buddy's brother's gym. It is only for men and most men are on the shorter side from what I have seen. No Randy Ortons at this place which is a huge relief. I will see how it goes. I have to make a point to keep going. I have only went 5 times so far. I want to make it a Monday-Friday thing.