Your Halloween Costume Theme
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 31-Oct-2015
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Halloween Costumes!

Jelly Kelly
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Halloween Costumes!
post #1

I am starting this thread now. My boyfriend and I are debating on what to be so I am hoping to think of some great couples ideas. I will start a poll too, with themes of costume options, pick which one you are going to do, if you don't plan on dressing up, pick one you WOULD do if you did. 

Animal - Anything animal related that doesn't fit any other category

Pop-Culture - Music, Movie, and Television related (included video game characters)

Heroes/Villains - Anything related to super heroes or villains (think Marvel and DC)

Generic Horror - Ghosts, trolls, witches, vampires, ect.

Parody - Making fun of something or someone in a silly way

Other - It doesn't fit anywhere else

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Re: Halloween Costumes!
post #2

I am actually dressing up are Daryl from the Walking Dead. My buddy is going as Rick. Should be a blast. My brother owns a cross bow so I will use it as a prop. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: Halloween Costumes!
post #3


Originally posted by Jinx

I am actually dressing up are Daryl from the Walking Dead. My buddy is going as Rick. Should be a blast. My brother owns a cross bow so I will use it as a prop. 

My man! I went as him a few years ago. Not sure if I am dressing up this year or not. Depends on what is going on. It does fall on a saturday so I don't have to worry about work.

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Re: Halloween Costumes!
post #4

I am going as the Joker. My girl watches this Youtuber and got the idea from her channel...


She is going to be Quinn 

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Re: Halloween Costumes!
post #5

I am going as myself in a suite. I am just going to wear a suite all day and see how differently people treat me. lol