Double standards in dating. Height vs weight.

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Double standards in dating. Height vs weight.
post #1

short men dating. height vs weight



Mr Dixon
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Re: Double standards in dating. Height vs weight.
post #2

I am so sick of women being sensitive with the numbers on the scale. Honestly, them numbers don't mean crap to us guys, it is how you carry yourself and how your body is shaped. They hold this huge stink with numbers like they matter. Age, height, weight, dress/pant size, none of this bs matters or at least it shouldn't.

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Re: Double standards in dating. Height vs weight.
post #3

This is never going to end. Women are going to say their weight shouldn't matter but feel like it always does to the point where they are always on and off wacky diets. Men are going to say height shouldn't matter but they will always go on forums and complain about it and just enforce the domino effect.

Mr Dixon
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Re: Double standards in dating. Height vs weight.
post #4


Originally posted by jackman

This is never going to end. Women are going to say their weight shouldn't matter but feel like it always does to the point where they are always on and off wacky diets. Men are going to say height shouldn't matter but they will always go on forums and complain about it and just enforce the domino effect.

Just like you are doing right now? lol