Shorter Men = Honest/Hard Working?

Mr Dixon
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Shorter Men = Honest/Hard Working?
post #1

I was reading an article about short men in the business world and I was shocked to read that more often than not, shorter men are more desired for big jobs that need honesty and trust. I think this comes down to the stereo typing of shorter men feeling like they have something to prove.

I have always seen myself as an honest man but it has nothing to do with my height.

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Re: Shorter Men = Honest/Hard Working?
post #2

I feel like the point this article was making (I read it too) was that short men aim to please. Just as you said. I am short and trust me, I have lied to get my way at work, in relationships, and to my family. I will admit to it. I will do what it takes to better my life so this doesn't apply to me one bit.

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Re: Shorter Men = Honest/Hard Working?
post #3

I'd day I don't do this, but I do. I feel like I have something to prove in my relationships, in the bedroom, in my career. I hate to admit it but I almost ac like my height is a disability and I know people don't like to hear that. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: Shorter Men = Honest/Hard Working?
post #4


Originally posted by Jinx

I'd day I don't do this, but I do. I feel like I have something to prove in my relationships, in the bedroom, in my career. I hate to admit it but I almost ac like my height is a disability and I know people don't like to hear that. 

You being shorter than average is NOT a disability.