Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...

Dark Willow
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...
post #1

I seen an article was done on the site but I would like to remind others of his 5'7 height.

He never let it get in the way of his calling so don't let it for you. 

Mr Dixon
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Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...
post #2

Gandhi was also a shorter man, I think only 5'4 who achieved great things. I completely forgot about MLK Day. 

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Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...
post #3

I get your point about the height thing but this was more about slavery than a dude's height come on now... angry

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Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...
post #4


Originally posted by Spider

I get your point about the height thing but this was more about slavery than a dude's height come on now... angry

He isn't taking away from the freedoms blacks gained because of MLK, he is just stating that his height was a non-issue in fighting for his dreams.

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Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...
post #5

This was a good man and I am glad he has a day for people to remember what he did. It is a shame so much of the black community still remains enslaved by their own means and faults though. 

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Re: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Was Yesterday...
post #6

speaking of slavery and MLK, here is a very good short article about a form of prejudice and oppression which the vast majority of human beings on this planet willingly and happily support on a daily basis: