ShortKingz Blog

Fighting for Confidence: A Personal Perspective
When I was a kid, I used to get bullied a lot for my size. And being young, you just naturally assume that this was the natural order of things. The big kids preyed on the smaller kids, and that was j....
An Altered Perspective: What Teaching A Family Of Short People Taught Me
I’ve been much too aware of my shortness since childhood. All along and in every situation, the guys around me have towered over me. Being the shortest guy in the room can be disappointing at ti....
How To Be A Confident Short Man Who Kicks Ass
I would like to preface this article by stating that like many men, I speak in hyperbole, so please refrain from calling out this piece for any perceived sweeping generalizations. Common sense will di....
Finding A Niche As A Short Athlete
Few sports favor short athletes. Although several short athletes have made careers out of defying expectations, the unlikelihood of their triumphs has contributed to their fame. For short athletes, as....
Black Women And Short Men Have This In Common
Let’s face it data doesn’t lie, and according to data posted from numerous dating sites, the least desired category of men are short men, particularly those under 5’9. While short me....
Whats Up With All Of The Hate For Short Dudes?
In the United States, the average height for men is 5’9 ½. Colloquially, one inch under this is considered short. 35% of men are under 5’8. This means for every nine guys you know, ....

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