ShortKingz Blog

What The Fresh And Fit Scandal Can Teach Short Men
I've told this story several times on this site and will again. When I was a younger man, I worked with a guy who was about 6'6 tall. So yes, extr....
Top 65 Blogs Short Men Should Know About
One of the most critical aspects of self-improvement is being keenly aware of all the resources available to you. This falls under the conc....
How To Be An Effective Short Male Leader
One of the most odd things I remembered in High School was "a tale of a two Educators". One was tall and had what most would cal....
Don't Be That Guy. Personality Traits Short Men Should Avoid.
If you grew up in the States or in the West within the last two generations, there's a huge chance you've been indoctrinated into this fallacious ideology that....
How To Handle Workplace Microagressions
You're confident. You're self-assured. You're a rockstar. You look good, feel good and even smell good. You spent your formidable years getting good grades, ....
How To Be Short And Alpha
I was dutily reminded that a man could be both short and alpha after watching a twenty-two year old interview which took place on &#....

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