Muck Zuckerberg gets height mogged

Short Squire
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Height Mogging
Muck Zuckerberg gets height mogged
post #1

Mark Zuckerberg gets height mogged | Height Mogging | Height Comparison | Short King | Short Kingz

Though we all know if he stood on his wallet, he'd be looking about 171 billion light years down. 

Short Lord
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Re: Muck Zuckerberg gets height mogged
post #2

Most dudes will never see a fraction of the money he has in their lifetime. 

I'm sure Zuck doesn't give a you-know-what lol.


Short Knight
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Re: Muck Zuckerberg gets height mogged
post #3

I really think he doesn't give two spits.

Dude literally has a billion dollars for every centimeter of his height.

Coincidence that he is actually 5'7, whic is 171 cm.