Member Profiles: Andre1986
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- Andre1986
Recent Posts From Andre1986
What would you all say is your favorite movie? For me it's clearly Goodfellas. I watched it so much when I was a teen and I always watch it every year, at east once a year. It's a classic that will forever be in my collection.
So, what is your favorite movie ever?
Okay, I have a fairly small nissan car, and I've owned it for a couple years now. I was wondering if anyone here drives smaller cars because they're short? Or do you go for short because it's usually cheaper? I want one of those really small cars though, the ones that actually go for like $3000 brand new. I could get behind that.
Being 5 feet tall isn't ideal, but it's not bad either. I am currently dating a woderful woman who happens to be a tad bit taller than me. She's 5''2' to be exact. I love her to deatha and I oftern wonder how I snagged her.
Anyways, have you had or are you in a relationship with another short person? How does it feel? I dated a tall girl once, but it was brief.
While in college, did any of you's feel intimidated by others? Maybe it was ones who were taller than you, or women who just didn't like you because of being short. I myself had been very intimidated while attending college and I hated it a lot. Who here felt the same way as me?