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Im a guy and at 14 i was 4'10 and stoped growing since (i am now 21). My little sister is 3 years younger and was 4'8 and 11 years old, pretty short. One day, when i was 15 and she was 12, she wanted to compare our heights since she had grown and turned out to be slightly taller than me. i was jealous, but thought that she was just having an early puberty and that i would eventually catch up to her. Although things began to get worse. after a couple of months, she was noticeably taller than me being 5'5 tall. And thats when her growth spurt really began. after an year, she had grown 5 inches, standing at 5'10, she was now a whole foot taller. But it didnt end there, she would grow for the next two years and become 6'7 at the age of 15, and at 16, became 6'10 barefoot! I was so jealous and knew that i had no hopes of catching up to her. She likes to rub this into my face. She likes comparing shoe sizes and whenever i tried her shoes they were WAY TO BIG on me. She would also wear really tall heel (like 7 inches) making her 7'5 and my head only reach her waist. She could carry me with no effort . So i am now 4'10 and 21 with a 18 year old sister 2 feet taller than me and i learned to adapt with it. She still likes to compare heights in front of the mirror with her tallest heels on.
Have you ever dated a woman taller than you? in my case, im 4'10 my girlfriend is 6'6, with heels shes 7 feet tall and i reach her belly button.