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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
What age did you stop caring about how others your perceived height?

For the older guys here, at what age did you stop caring about your height if you ever did?

4 308
Sat Apr 13, 2024 01:28 PM
my taller little sister

Im a guy and at 14 i was 4'10 and stoped growing since (i am now 21). My little sister is 3 years younger and was 4'8 and 11 years old, pretty short. One day, when i was 15 and she was 12, she wanted to compare our heights since she had grown and turned out to be slightly taller than me. i was jealous, but thought that she was just having an early puberty and that i would eventually catch up to her. Although things began to get worse. after a couple of months, she was noticeably taller than me being 5'5 tall. And thats when her growth spurt really began. after an year, she had grown 5 inches, standing at 5'10, she was now a whole foot taller. But it didnt end there, she would grow for the next two years and become 6'7 at the age of 15, and at 16, became 6'10 barefoot! I was so jealous and knew that i had no hopes of catching up to her. She likes to rub this into my face. She likes comparing shoe sizes and whenever i tried her shoes they were WAY TO BIG on me. She would also wear really tall heel (like 7 inches) making her 7'5 and my head only reach her waist. She could carry me with no effort . So i am now 4'10 and 21 with a 18 year old sister 2 feet taller than me and i learned to adapt with it. She still likes to compare heights in front of the mirror with her tallest heels on.

1 4,013
Sat Aug 27, 2022 02:51 PM
Make a PhD team of young people to reopen the growth plates

So there are these methods as far i know but it will take time but i really want to make a team of researchers of people like me who go to university to achieve a better height increase method.
I please want you to understand that future technologies will make people live longer with better medicine thus give us more time for scientist to resverse aging. You have the time to wait because you are young
If i could even get one more person, all this could go 2 times faster. Now image it with more people
1-stem cells to create cartilage
2-remove the bone barrier
3-trandifferentiation of bone to cartilage
4-miniature breaks with differentiation
Our Average Life Expectancy Could Increase to 115 Years Very Soon






Is there anyone interested?

1 1,192
Wed Jun 09, 2021 04:58 AM
So you finally have women all over you and you're 30+

I want to leave some of these links to remind all of you. You better do a thorough background check on her about the type of men she used to date, what she has done professionally up this point and what her life goals are. What better place to get a real word view of women's intentions than by reading posts on a site that is allows for no outside interference:

Site: Lipstick Alley | Post: Anyone successfully secure the bag? | Link: Here

I married late - my HS boyfriend. He's white and has a very good career. I live in a big, beautiful house on acreage. I got hurt last year and had to stop working. I'm fine now, but he hasn't mentioned me going back to work, so I spend my days doing whatever I want. It's actually very nice. 

Specific advice for you: don't mention the sex career. Tell them you used to have an interior design business or something (a lot of the wives of my husband's business associates claim that). In fact, I'd actually get a few fake business cards made up and leave them laying around. 

It's your book. You write it.


Site: Lipstick Alley | Post: Under what circumstances will you date a short man? | Link: Here

I dated a short dude once as an adult and never again. But if I HAD to... his lil ass better worship the ground I walk on, offer me the world on a string, be packing a magic stick, and be ready to run me a good portion of his check



0 1,468
Sat Jul 27, 2019 03:59 PM
Just turned 40. This is it.

One one hand it's a little depressing, but on the other hand relieving. I watch these gray hairs coming in and see all of the people I grew up with starting families, many of their kids pre-teens and some full grown. I am fortunate. I have been successful career wise, but do know that my height played a huge part in my struggles in dating and advancing in my field through my 20s and 30s.

On the other hand, the divorces and related financial hits that my friends have experienced I have been protected from, all because women don't find me attractive enough to want to partner with.

10 4,158
Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:58 PM
Anyone have a younger but taller sibling?

Any of you have a younger sibling that is taller? My younger brother is 6'1 and a few years younger than me. However, when him and I get into heated discussions about any topic, he always "wins". There is something in me that holds back. I don't know if it's because I don't feel masculine enough or if it is some type of anxiety, but I didn't feel this way before his growth spurt. 

Anyone else ever feel similarly?

2 1,655
Fri Nov 24, 2017 02:34 PM
Woman leaves husband of 18 years following weight loss surgery

And guess why? Because he's too short. My opinion is she couldn't do better as a fat tub of lard, so post op after getting attention from more attractive guys, she bailed. What a bitch!


0 1,067
Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:03 AM
Hair question...

So I noticed that my hair is starting to thin and I feel like it is really getting me down lately. I never gave it much thought before so I don't know what changed. It took me a whole to accept my height but now this? Uggg Anything I can do to stop it?

Also, take the poll. 

7 1,594
Mon Sep 28, 2015 05:06 PM
by Catman
What about men who get short with age?

I was thinking about this and a lot of men and women get shorter as they age. My grandmother was 4'11 and is now 4'8. My grandfather was 5'10 and when he passed away, he was 5'7. Does height not matter when you are that old? I never once heard of a man being bitter for shrinking under 5'9 if her was 5'10+

4 1,740
Sat Aug 15, 2015 02:22 PM
by Catman
You think height matters less with age?

I find the older I get, the less I care. I guess when you are say, under 40, it matters because you are dating, trying to settle down with someone, going in and out jobs... ect

What do you guys think?

6 2,475
Sun Aug 09, 2015 05:34 PM
Do you think women change with age?

A friend of my older sister's used to say she is only going to marry a tall man because she wants her kids to grow up and be good in life. I nevr understood what the f she meant by this. She said this in her teens, and 20's. Now that she is in her 30's and still single, I think she had dropped that thought. He new boyfriend is 5'7 and balding! No offense to him but her whole life she always made fun of short guys, bald guys, old guys, fat guys, ect. 

Do you think women change with age?

6 2,589
Mon Jul 06, 2015 01:40 PM
by Larry
Posts : 10 Replies : 26 Last Post By TinyWizard

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