So you finally have women all over you and you're 30+

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Height: 5'6
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Joined: Aug 25, 2018
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So you finally have women all over you and you're 30+
post #1

I want to leave some of these links to remind all of you. You better do a thorough background check on her about the type of men she used to date, what she has done professionally up this point and what her life goals are. What better place to get a real word view of women's intentions than by reading posts on a site that is allows for no outside interference:

Site: Lipstick Alley | Post: Anyone successfully secure the bag? | Link: Here

I married late - my HS boyfriend. He's white and has a very good career. I live in a big, beautiful house on acreage. I got hurt last year and had to stop working. I'm fine now, but he hasn't mentioned me going back to work, so I spend my days doing whatever I want. It's actually very nice. 

Specific advice for you: don't mention the sex career. Tell them you used to have an interior design business or something (a lot of the wives of my husband's business associates claim that). In fact, I'd actually get a few fake business cards made up and leave them laying around. 

It's your book. You write it.


Site: Lipstick Alley | Post: Under what circumstances will you date a short man? | Link: Here

I dated a short dude once as an adult and never again. But if I HAD to... his lil ass better worship the ground I walk on, offer me the world on a string, be packing a magic stick, and be ready to run me a good portion of his check