Does your hair make a difference with your confidence?
This is a multiple choice poll.
Poll Expired: 01-Jan-2016
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What hair?
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Hair question...

Short Knight
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Hair question...
post #1

So I noticed that my hair is starting to thin and I feel like it is really getting me down lately. I never gave it much thought before so I don't know what changed. It took me a whole to accept my height but now this? Uggg Anything I can do to stop it?

Also, take the poll. 

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Re: Hair question...
post #2

I'd be lying if I said no. I love my hair and knowing my brother who is only 5 years older is already balding scared me. I read that castor oil helps stop thinning hair. Look into that.

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Re: Hair question...
post #3

I shave my head. I know what ya'll are probably thinking... No woman likes that but I am happy to say that I am engaged to a beautiful woman who moved here in Texas from MAINE to be with me. She knew I couldn't because of my job. Needless to say, she digs my bald head. 


I started getting the thinning going at 22 and started shaving it all off. Not sure how thin it would be if I let it grow in. Don't care to find out. I am a good looking bald man if I do say so myself.

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Re: Hair question...
post #4

Unless you look good bald... *couhg*jack*cough* I can't see any man saying it doesn't add to their confidence. 

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Re: Hair question...
post #5


Originally posted by Larry

Unless you look good bald... *couhg*jack*cough* I can't see any man saying it doesn't add to their confidence. 

Idk man cause I don't have a thick head of hair or anything and it never bothered me. I feel like for some men it matters for others it doesn't.

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Re: Hair question...
post #6

I like my hair. I don't want it to thin out or for me to go bald. I mean, I think most men and women would agree that having a thick head of healthy hair would make them feel sexier.

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Re: Hair question...
post #7


Originally posted by Bonez

I'd be lying if I said no. I love my hair and knowing my brother who is only 5 years older is already balding scared me. I read that castor oil helps stop thinning hair. Look into that.

Thanks man I will look into this. I feel like if I start caring for it better now, it wont get as bad as fast.

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Re: Hair question...
post #8


Originally posted by jackman

I shave my head. I know what ya'll are probably thinking... No woman likes that but I am happy to say that I am engaged to a beautiful woman who moved here in Texas from MAINE to be with me. She knew I couldn't because of my job. Needless to say, she digs my bald head. 


I started getting the thinning going at 22 and started shaving it all off. Not sure how thin it would be if I let it grow in. Don't care to find out. I am a good looking bald man if I do say so myself.

Hat is off to you... Or maybe on? lol Either way, I don't know a single man that can pull off or be happy with a bald head.