You think height matters less with age?

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You think height matters less with age?
post #1

I find the older I get, the less I care. I guess when you are say, under 40, it matters because you are dating, trying to settle down with someone, going in and out jobs... ect

What do you guys think?

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Re: You think height matters less with age?
post #2

I would say so. It doesn't bother me nearly as much at 27 then it did when I was 17. It still sucks for the dating scene but I don't stuggle as much with it.

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Re: You think height matters less with age?
post #3

Oh yea it does. I mean once you meet the "one" it just doesn't matter anymore. The biggest issue with being a short man is the dating world. I know jobs are effected but not as much.

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Re: You think height matters less with age?
post #4

I think it depends really. When you are single, it bothers you the most. When you are in a relationship, it tends to bother you the least. So I guess I agree with Larry there.

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Re: You think height matters less with age?
post #5


Originally posted by Hunter

I think it depends really. When you are single, it bothers you the most. When you are in a relationship, it tends to bother you the least. So I guess I agree with Larry there.

I agree with Hunter here. To me, it is worse to be in the dating game with no one on your side. Comments and looks hurt worse. 

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Re: You think height matters less with age?
post #6

Once you are married it don't matter as much. I mean depending on what you do for a living anyways. I can see most men over 30 not caring anymore just because most men get married in their late 20's and 30's.

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Re: You think height matters less with age?
post #7

Heightism never "goes away". It's built into modern society as much but not as acknowledged as racism and sexism. It simply may mean less to you, but it definitley remains and is probably stronger than you remember it as a young man.