Member Profiles: elpip_226
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- elpip_226
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Recent Posts From elpip_226
There has to be something seriously wrong if this is the norm now.
Her soul practically jumped out of her chest when he mentioned how tall he was.
The amount of direspect is unbelievable.
If you watch the clip, even she knows she's lying when it comes out of her own mouth.
Wanted to share this.
Ah ok, thank you for keep proving my point.
You've proven NOTHING.
Notice when I said "looks" (in general), why you suddenly got so defensive about height? lol
So I guess men need to be 'pretty' after all? lmao
No, you didn't say "looks (in general).
I like how you feel confident when you're making complete garbage points that have zero meaning. The original poster literally asked if Jonah Hill was treated the way he was because he is short. I was literally responding to this question and your ridiculous smug attitude is meaningless. You just espouse BS information due to your own insecurities and failures.
I never said "looks didn't matter". My point has always been looks aren't as important for men as they are for women. Looks HELP men, but aren't required. Your argument has never been about "looks", so stop it. A handsome short man will obviously do better than an average looking short man if all things are equal, however there are dozens of short men who don't receive the level of disrespect Jonah Hill gets is the point. You're a complete idiot if you're going to say that 5'4 Joe Pesci or 5'3 Demetrius Johnson gets that same level of disrespect in the media. Clearly they do not, because they don't play second shill to other men and don't carry themselves the way Hill does.
Despite Jonah Hill's persona, he still has dated some and been engaged to some of the hottest women. Could an ugly woman pull that off consistently? No!
You're a complete tool if you truly believe that Prince or Bruno Mars have never been considered sex symbols.
There's also D'Angelo (5'6), Lenny Kravitz (5'6), Neyo (5'7) and dozens of others that you refuse to discuss.
Just because you have little female contact or that in your world, short = done, does not mean that other short men have that outcome.
To elpip_226, pay no mind to BatmanBegins the troll. I answered your question as to why Jonah Hill had an issue with receiving respect and gave you plenty of examples of men who are are shorter or short in general who receive the complete opposite in treatment. If you carry BatmanBegins mindset, you will be a bitter incel who has nothing but negative outcomes in life and thus low expectations about everything.
It makes a lot more sense now.
It explains why when I was in college, some short guys were ostracized while other short guys scored all of the time and were extremely popular.
I see that it is in fact how you carry yourself.
It appears that Jonah Hill created a character and somehow can't escape it.
It's the exact reason why Dustin Diamond (Screech from 'Saved By The Bell') got in all of that trouble with the law and he's 6 feet. He couldn't escape his Screech character and everyone associated him with that.
Thanks again.