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Posts : 8 Replies : 23 Last Post By Genti2590
0 64
Sun Aug 18, 2024 10:19 AM
5'5 retail employee vents about being bullied for his height.

Guy has a lot of guts posting something like this, but everyone needs an outlet to vent their frustration.

People say a lot of mean things online. Hoping this dude doesn't let feelings of inadequacy take over.

0 65
Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:32 AM
Mother blames short son for the bullying he receives

Her son is getting bullied and he fights back and because of this he has "little man syndrome". This is what you call victim-blaming and worse is that her primal tall-man worshiping brain take precedence over caring for her own offspring.

Disgusting. I feel sorry for this poor kid. 

0 143
Sat Jul 13, 2024 08:36 PM
Short cop bullied relentlessly at protest

Ironically, this is at a protest for Discrimination. Go figure.

The video is from a Tik-Tok account that no longer exists, so it's now floating around online.



1 79
Tue Jul 09, 2024 09:02 PM
Short cop gets roasted by protesters

Trash behavior toward a police offer who isn't bothering anyone and is trying to get through his day. 

1 175
Sun May 19, 2024 05:27 PM
Boy in Indiana commits suicide due to bullying for being short

0 116
Sun Apr 21, 2024 09:51 AM
Idiot pranks guys he considers "little". Plot twist though.

Apparently, he believes the man he's pranking is "little"... even though he is barely an inch or two taller than the person he is harassing. That's exactly what it is too, harassment. 

1 702
Tue Jul 27, 2021 05:45 AM
The Truth about 'batmanbegins', 'Buncombe, LGBT blackpill theory

I just came across this site and the first couple post I clicked I noticed these disgusting failed males users 'batmanbegins' & 'Buncombe, among others I have seen images of them in real life, and from the blackpill and lookism LGBT communities and forums. They have to sling their nasty sh-t to any positivity or support towards short and average men. They worship and gossip their idea of this tall "chad". The irony is both of these [mod cut: inappropriate language] are short. They are miserable and don't feel that average to short height men are worthy of respect, they think taller men are superior. The facts are simple, these parasite [mod cut: inappropriate language] males don't feel empathy or feel love like a woman. They don't know about female experience. They don't see beauty or art like a woman does. They hate themselves, its not a coincidence these peoples suicide rates are skyrocketed and they want all of you to hate yourself too and be hopeless. It makes them rage to think you accept and love yourself how you are. The blackpill and lookists want you to feel totally stressed and wrong. They are repulsed and triggered by anything positive for you that goes against their agenda, they will shout "COPE" "ROPE" "SIMP" "DELUDED" "DELUSIONAL" at you like retards. They are actually coping the hardest and they believe their cuck blackpilled reality is the only reality. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. From the statistics, they probably will. In order to cope [mod cut: inappropriate language] and they want average and short men to feel inferior, it satisfies them. In the streets, guys like batmanbegins and Buncome and their friends on their underground forums, deep web forums, 4chan are all cowards. They are simply keyboard warriors. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. I have seen women debunk and shut them down and they actually fight against women lol. Even when women call these [mod cut: inappropriate language] for trying to speak for them constantly, its like they hold their ears. They love projecting on women. These are straight up sexually frustrated [mod cut: inappropriate language] They make themselves feel relevant by hyper critiquing other men's looks and height. Dont listen to the propaganda. If you do succumb to it then maybe you deserve it for being such a self Hating cuck. Truth is you are completely priceless and beautiful how you are in the so called good and the bad. Thats what God said.

[mod note: inappropriate language is not allowed on this forum]

28 2,111
Mon Sep 28, 2020 09:05 AM
Is actor Jonah Hill treated this way because he's short?

1 958
Sun Aug 18, 2019 03:19 PM
Television host Waleed Aly issues on-air apology for short joke

2 948
Fri Jul 12, 2019 09:53 AM
short guy mockery on the internet

some guy went into a rage about how woman reject him or whatever, and it is of course acceptable to pick on him because picking on a short male is the only "acceptable" form of discrimination or whatever allowed in our society



it is funny looking on the Twitter how everyone is making fun of him especially these "woman" who are all about LBQT or whatever or women's rights crap (the person who posted it has the idiotic rainbow flag), just goes to show how the guy is justified in anything he is feeling, in a guys position like that it is about the lowest thing a person can feel because woman ultimately hate him because he is short and they are also mocking him on top of it, and a mans ultimate purpose on the earth is to have woman and they are basically making a mockery of him, so how is a guy like that able to deal with something like that? and this is an extremely viral video, almost 20 Million views in less than a day, all the comments are mocking him, either mocking him on his height or just in general

1 1,003
Sun Jul 01, 2018 01:43 PM
Don't think you'll always be able to push around the little guy

0 1,033
Fri Jun 15, 2018 06:48 AM
Next time pick on someone your own size!

2 2,276
Thu Dec 07, 2017 05:02 PM
Tall guys are for short and tall girls. Short guys can have each other

From this Facebook post. You guys take this as a joke or seriously?

1 966
Sun Nov 05, 2017 02:39 PM
Why is everything a short guy does considered overcompensating?

This is crazy. If I buy a nice car, I'm "overcompensating". If I go to the gym, I'm "overcompensating". What can we do that isn't seen as overcompensating. The whole idea of overcompensating is sad.

4 1,145
Thu Sep 28, 2017 08:35 AM
the fake President of the US is promoting Heightism

that guy who is pretending to be the President of the US is basically making it acceptable to put down a short guy with his "little" puns to a person who is smaller than him, he said it yesterday to a reporter and he has done it in the past to political opponents and others who are not bowing down to him, I am hoping something horrible is going to happen to that fake Piece of garbage who is occupying the White House




0 869
Sun Aug 13, 2017 09:13 PM
3 "Interesting" Men On YouTube" "Short Men Have A Napoleon Complex"

Posts : 9 Replies : 22 Last Post By admin

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