The Truth about 'batmanbegins', 'Buncombe, LGBT blackpill theory

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The Truth about 'batmanbegins', 'Buncombe, LGBT blackpill theory
post #1

I just came across this site and the first couple post I clicked I noticed these disgusting failed males users 'batmanbegins' & 'Buncombe, among others I have seen images of them in real life, and from the blackpill and lookism LGBT communities and forums. They have to sling their nasty sh-t to any positivity or support towards short and average men. They worship and gossip their idea of this tall "chad". The irony is both of these [mod cut: inappropriate language] are short. They are miserable and don't feel that average to short height men are worthy of respect, they think taller men are superior. The facts are simple, these parasite [mod cut: inappropriate language] males don't feel empathy or feel love like a woman. They don't know about female experience. They don't see beauty or art like a woman does. They hate themselves, its not a coincidence these peoples suicide rates are skyrocketed and they want all of you to hate yourself too and be hopeless. It makes them rage to think you accept and love yourself how you are. The blackpill and lookists want you to feel totally stressed and wrong. They are repulsed and triggered by anything positive for you that goes against their agenda, they will shout "COPE" "ROPE" "SIMP" "DELUDED" "DELUSIONAL" at you like retards. They are actually coping the hardest and they believe their cuck blackpilled reality is the only reality. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. From the statistics, they probably will. In order to cope [mod cut: inappropriate language] and they want average and short men to feel inferior, it satisfies them. In the streets, guys like batmanbegins and Buncome and their friends on their underground forums, deep web forums, 4chan are all cowards. They are simply keyboard warriors. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. I have seen women debunk and shut them down and they actually fight against women lol. Even when women call these [mod cut: inappropriate language] for trying to speak for them constantly, its like they hold their ears. They love projecting on women. These are straight up sexually frustrated [mod cut: inappropriate language] They make themselves feel relevant by hyper critiquing other men's looks and height. Dont listen to the propaganda. If you do succumb to it then maybe you deserve it for being such a self Hating cuck. Truth is you are completely priceless and beautiful how you are in the so called good and the bad. Thats what God said.

[mod note: inappropriate language is not allowed on this forum]

Last Edited By admin12 (2021-07-15 07:59:09)

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Re: The Truth about 'batmanbegins', 'Buncombe, LGBT blackpill theory
post #2


Originally posted by antoniomiller

I just came across this site and the first couple post I clicked I noticed these disgusting failed males users 'batmanbegins' & 'Buncombe, among others I have seen images of them in real life, and from the blackpill and lookism LGBT communities and forums. They have to sling their nasty sh-t to any positivity or support towards short and average men. They worship and gossip their idea of this tall "chad". The irony is both of these [mod cut: inappropriate language] are short. They are miserable and don't feel that average to short height men are worthy of respect, they think taller men are superior. The facts are simple, these parasite [mod cut: inappropriate language] males don't feel empathy or feel love like a woman. They don't know about female experience. They don't see beauty or art like a woman does. They hate themselves, its not a coincidence these peoples suicide rates are skyrocketed and they want all of you to hate yourself too and be hopeless. It makes them rage to think you accept and love yourself how you are. The blackpill and lookists want you to feel totally stressed and wrong. They are repulsed and triggered by anything positive for you that goes against their agenda, they will shout "COPE" "ROPE" "SIMP" "DELUDED" "DELUSIONAL" at you like retards. They are actually coping the hardest and they believe their cuck blackpilled reality is the only reality. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. From the statistics, they probably will. In order to cope [mod cut: inappropriate language] and they want average and short men to feel inferior, it satisfies them. In the streets, guys like batmanbegins and Buncome and their friends on their underground forums, deep web forums, 4chan are all cowards. They are simply keyboard warriors. [mod cut: inappropriate language]. I have seen women debunk and shut them down and they actually fight against women lol. Even when women call these [mod cut: inappropriate language] for trying to speak for them constantly, its like they hold their ears. They love projecting on women. These are straight up sexually frustrated [mod cut: inappropriate language] They make themselves feel relevant by hyper critiquing other men's looks and height. Dont listen to the propaganda. If you do succumb to it then maybe you deserve it for being such a self Hating cuck. Truth is you are completely priceless and beautiful how you are in the so called good and the bad. Thats what God said.

[mod note: inappropriate language is not allowed on this forum]

Harsh delivery, but I loosely understand what you're trying to say. The worse thing is shorter men not feeling as if they are fine the way they are and that "being tall" is something to aspire to.

With fat women, I understand because controlling your weight is not just healthy, but an optimal lifestyle choice. Height post-puberty is fixed. You are who you are.