Tall guys are for short and tall girls. Short guys can have each other

Short Cadet
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Tall guys are for short and tall girls. Short guys can have each other
post #1

"Short Men Can Have Each Other" | ShortGuyCentral

From this Facebook post. You guys take this as a joke or seriously?

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Re: Tall guys are for short and tall girls. Short guys can have each other
post #2

joke? go look around, there is nothing a female hates more than a short guy, those woman who are "mature" are able to reject and ignore a short guy without hurting his feelings to much, while those girls who are "immature" are going around and laughing and making fun of how much they hate a short guy, either way a short guy is the last thing a female is looking for

Short Knight
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Re: Tall guys are for short and tall girls. Short guys can have each other
post #3

We short guys, overthink everything. The people reading and commenting this post. Are not laying a thought to it.
They're just getting a cheap laugh, cause who doesnt know a short person.

While the sluts might tag another of their slutty friends, just to say "iwwwww, you're soo riiight" 

None the less, i reported it, and blocked the poser.