Member Profiles: halloom
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- halloom
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Recent Posts From halloom
Hello everyone,
This my first post.
I am lucky enough to have met a wonderful lady sometime ago and I now have two children (boy and a girl). As they will soon be starting school I went to meet other parents. I couldn't help but notice that not only was I the shortest guy (not very surprising) but for all the couples that were there, there was not one guy that was at least eye level with the woman. All the men were a few inches taller. Not one! For some reason I found this to very disconcerting.
Anyway, I am secretly worried. I've not discussed this anyone. My kids will probably be taller than me when they start high school or have friends at my eye level. I am worried that they will be too embarrassed to be with me because I am very short. I am really scared. How to deal with this? Any ideas?