Height and Children

Short Cadet
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Height and Children
post #1

Hello everyone,

This my first post.

I am lucky enough to have met a wonderful lady sometime ago and I now have two children (boy and a girl).  As they will soon be starting school I went to meet other parents.  I couldn't help but notice that not only was I the shortest guy (not very surprising)  but for all the couples that were there,  there was not one guy that was at least eye level with the woman.  All the men were a few inches taller.  Not one!  For some reason I found this to very disconcerting.

Anyway, I am secretly worried.  I've not discussed this anyone.  My kids will probably be taller than me when they start high school or have friends at my eye level.  I am worried that they will be too embarrassed to be with me because I am very short.  I am really scared.  How to deal with this?  Any ideas?     


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Re: Height and Children
post #2

First of all, welcome to the forum! I don't think you have anything to worry about. I can't lie and say that a lot of short guys won't feel some kind of way if they are at an event and are the shortest one there. I have always been confident about myself and never wished to be taller. 

With good parenting, your kids will respect you no matter what your height is. A friend of mine is a teacher and talks about seeing children taller than their dads all of the time (particularly with immigrant parents). 

Perhaps a joke may fly around from time to time (which may or may not be cool depending on your personality), but if you give them every reason to be proud of their dad, it won't matter how tall you are. Being that we live in a heightist society, your kids may even respect you MORE when they become adults.

Again, welcome to the forum. Hope you see you here a lot!

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Re: Height and Children
post #3

Welcome welcome! I can understand why you would feel this. A friend of mine, his dad was worried about him. Not because he was short, but very thin and built small like him. He ended up getting married to a beautiful woman so his fears vanished. I don't think your kids will think anything of you being short. You would be surprised by what they do start to notice and get embarrassed over. It is more about actions than loos.

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Re: Height and Children
post #4


Originally posted by James007

Welcome welcome! I can understand why you would feel this. A friend of mine, his dad was worried about him. Not because he was short, but very thin and built small like him. He ended up getting married to a beautiful woman so his fears vanished. I don't think your kids will think anything of you being short. You would be surprised by what they do start to notice and get embarrassed over. It is more about actions than loos.

Loos? lol I know you meant looks but lets be honest... Kids growing up now a days are ALL about judging a book by its cover. When was the last time you met a kid who didn't judge someone based on their appearance?