Member Profiles: keepsake
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- keepsake
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Recent Posts From keepsake
After being involved in online dating for a year, I realized that it is essential to lie about your height if you are short. I cannot comprehend why even the most intelligent women care so much about the height of their mate. I have a PhD and make several hundred thousand dollars a year. I am active in day trading, am very athletic and women tell me that I am extremely handsome.
It seems that none of this matters in the online world. If you are under 6 feet, then you can kiss dating success goodbye. All of your great qualities mean nothing. You are reduced to two digits which mean little more than seven day old vomit. I can easily showdown any man who is taller than me. Most of the time, I am more athletic, more intelligent, better with conversation and have more presence than all of my taller counterparts. It seems that the idea that many most women have is that my any man taller than I is more competent until I begin to speak
I think it sucks that taller morons get better treatment even if they flip burgers for a living just because he is a few inches taller. Being intelligent and able should go a lot further in dating than height.