Member Profiles: OverTheEdge
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- OverTheEdge
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Recent Posts From OverTheEdge
Have you guys seen this Cupid Schmupid gentleman who has been making all of these videos of him picking up women? The guy can't be any more than a solid 5'2 on a good day. I see nothing but disgust for him when I look through the comments on his videos. Most of them think he's a fraud. Or maybe that out of 200 women, only 1 won't reject him. So he just films the one or two women who say yes.
What do you think of this guy and how tall is he really?
(I just took a shot in the dark with 5'2)
I am a married man with a 15 year old son. I turned 37 last week.
I just found out my wife is having an affair with a taller man. The guy is actually her boss. We were driving in her car that night and went to a gas station. She stepped out to pump the gas and a text appeared on her S5. The phone was on vibrate and I peeked over. The text was mushy saying how much he missed her and wanted to spend more time with her. Lately she had been working a lot of overtime.
When I saw trhe text on the screen my heart sank. She came back in the car after close to 5 minutes and I confronted her telling her I saw a text from her boss. She then told me that I am old, short, out of shape, boring, don't satisfy her or make her laugh anymore. I couldn't believe any of the ogwash because she is always begging for sex and I always give it to her when she wants it.
Now I am here wondering who will get custody if I do decide to get divorced, or if I should fight for the marriage. She sounds like she is set on leaving which is hard for me to swallow.
Sorry if I rambled on here but I don't know what to do next. She never complained about my height before. In fact, when she met, she kept on going how she loved me for who I am.