Member Profiles: Reggie
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- Reggie
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Recent Posts From Reggie
> ThatFlyShortGuy wrote: >
So then you're okay with women turning you down for your height then right? This goes both ways.
Is that your preference, or is a woman being taller than you a dealbreaker?
It's more so about me wanting a woman who's near my height, because it's just easier I think. I mean, if I was dancing with her, I'd rather be face to face, so we can look each other in the eyes. I know that may sound corny and all. but that's the honest truth.
Has anyone here ever been in a relationship that was controlling? If so, how did you react to it overall? I never have myself, and I hope I never do. If I do I would just end the relationship. But I have a friend who was and he was controlled big time. She told him where to be and when, what to wear, what they were going to eat for dinner and so on. It was bad.
Okay, I'm not saying video games are a sport, I'm asking what you all think. Should video gaming, especially when people play in teams, be considered a sport? I heard a while ago that ESPN will be airing a show for major league gaming, which I just find to be dumb, but that's me. I want to hear what you guys think. When I see sports I see physical activity that actually gets people moving, rather than a hand moving to push buttons.
Okay, I like this woman who I sort of work with. We talk all the time, even talk about getting together to hang out, but how do I actually ask her out on a date? I really like her and she's just so cool. She's near my height and she's into pretty much everything I am in. I just worry if I try to ask her out, she'll say no and it'll be weird at work.
How do I go about it? Just ask her to hang out and see where things go? Maybe get a connection that way?