Ever been in a controlling relationship?

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Ever been in a controlling relationship?
post #1

Has anyone here ever been in a relationship that was controlling? If so, how did you react to it overall? I never have myself, and I hope I never do. If I do I would just end the relationship. But I have a friend who was and he was controlled big time. She told him where to be and when, what to wear, what they were going to eat for dinner and so on. It was bad. 


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Re: Ever been in a controlling relationship?
post #2

I had a woman like that. It didn't start out that way. In the beginning, she played submissive. Early in, she became more vocal about where and how often we'd meet. Then she had an opinion on what I wore and before you knew it, she would get angry if I made "stupid decisions". I wanted to move to a certain neighborhood and she threatened to break up with me if I didn't move to where she wanted me to be. I broke up with her and she ended up stalking me for close to a year.