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Recent Posts From Spider
So if a dude is super tall, he can be dumb as rocks and make minimum wage?
Doing the math...
6' = 30k
5'11 = 40k
5'10 = 50k
5 '9 = 60k
5'8 = 70k
5'7 = 80k
5'6 = 90k
5'5 = 100k
I'll stop there. FYI to this female, a man earning over 50k a year likely isn't dumb enough to date you anyways.
Topic: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
Post #3
Replies: 7
Views: 2,176
Re: How to carry yourself around women
Thread Starter
Take notes from actor Poe Dameron. This woman in tall but he is not intimidated in the least. He asserts power while making her feel feminine. That is key if you want to date taller women.
I was having this problem till I updated Chrome. Try that.
Too tall for me. Not the height difference or anything, I just don't like women that tall.