The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...

Dark Willow
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The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #1

Last Edited By Dark Willow (2016-01-06 23:35:13)

Mr Dixon
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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #2

I lose all interest when I see the word "feminist". I am all for women having their rights but that brain washing cult is the reason I don't get too serious with women anymore. Seems like every 18 to 35 year old is a feminist. 

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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #3

So if a dude is super tall, he can be dumb as rocks and make minimum wage? 

Doing the math...

6' = 30k

5'11 = 40k

5'10 = 50k

5 '9 = 60k

5'8 = 70k

5'7 = 80k

5'6 = 90k

5'5 = 100k


I'll stop there. FYI to this female, a man earning over 50k a year likely isn't dumb enough to date you anyways. 


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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #4

This has to be a trolling profile. I mean I know some women are "like" this but they are not this bad. Anyways we can see what the broad looks like?

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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #5


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

I lose all interest when I see the word "feminist". I am all for women having their rights but that brain washing cult is the reason I don't get too serious with women anymore. Seems like every 18 to 35 year old is a feminist. 

Feminist to me is the true F word. Had an ex-coworker on FB  (yes she was around 33 yo.) tell me once to admit my feminism and , yada yada etc. I told her what I thought about feminism (I'm 51 and remember the time before feminism, so I really get baked on the subject.)

She kept preying on me after that and I dropped her off FB like a hot potato. I am now a MGTOW and very happy now.

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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #6


Originally posted by gentleman1964


Originally posted by Mr Dixon

I lose all interest when I see the word "feminist". I am all for women having their rights but that brain washing cult is the reason I don't get too serious with women anymore. Seems like every 18 to 35 year old is a feminist. 

Feminist to me is the true F word. Had an ex-coworker on FB  (yes she was around 33 yo.) tell me once to admit my feminism and , yada yada etc. I told her what I thought about feminism (I'm 51 and remember the time before feminism, so I really get baked on the subject.)

She kept preying on me after that and I dropped her off FB like a hot potato. I am now a MGTOW and very happy now.

Welcome to the forum gentleman1964!

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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #7

Oh, darn, she won't date a conservative.  What a disappointment!  I so wanted to date a bigoted woman.

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Re: The dating reality all men (not just short) face these days...
post #8


Originally posted by littlemarcus

Oh, darn, she won't date a conservative.  What a disappointment!  I so wanted to date a bigoted woman.

Lol. She is a piece of crap.