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Recent Posts From littlemarcus
There's a difference between a preference and a requirement. I’d prefer a woman to be shorter than me, but it isn’t a deal breaker (my wife is three inches shorter, and we’ve been married 35 years). I understand most women would prefer a man who is taller than them. Yet, it shouldn’t be a deal breaker if their height difference is small. I’ve known a few marriages in which the woman was taller, and all those marriages were successful. The average American woman is 5’4”, and yet 70 percent of young women (from what I’ve read) have a requirement that the man be at least six feet tall. My son read one online profile in which the woman talked about her faith and how important it was to her. Well, that’s good. Then she wrote that the man must be 6’2” to 6’6”. Well, if the woman is 5’11”, I can understand that as a preference. Yet, she was exactly five feet tall. I don’t think her faith was as important to her as her status.
And status seems to be the root of most of the problem. Many American women value a man’s height as a status symbol. To marry a short man would be considered settling, which seems to be the ultimate sin of so-called modern women. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t want to be married to a woman who was that hung up on her image. The most important quality in a spouse is the ability to go through difficult times with as much grace as possible. At times, life is harsh, disappointing, and cruel. Married couples go through times when they don’t like each other that much. Successful couples ride through those times and reconnect, as my wife and I have. Find a woman who will stand with you through difficult times. A woman who is that hung up on her image isn’t that type of woman any more than a wife beater is that type of man.
Amen brother.
I'm 5'5". People have told me that they think of me as a taller person because I don't act like a short man. I take it as a compliment, even though it's actually insulting to short men. I wouldn't say to a black man, "I don't think of you as black because you don't act black." That would be very offensive to black people. But as I've written before, if wise black and Jewish people can handle prejudice with a certain amount of grace, I can too. Prejudice is a weakness of character, so when we encounter bigots we are dealing with people with character weaknesses. It isn't wise to let bigots ruin our lives.
I couldn't agree more. I believe I'm the perfect height to do what God wants me to do. If some bigot doesn't like me because I'm a short man, he or she should complain to God about it and wait for a response. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy life as much as I can. As someone said, "The best revenge is living well."