Some Tips for Shorter Men

Short Squire
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Some Tips for Shorter Men
post #1

Life can be hard for us shorter men.  Why?  Because some people ridicule us for our height.  These people don't give us respect, dignity, nor voice.  Instead, they give us treatment as if we are 'children'.  This post is to grant tips to cope for the shorter man.  You are free to not take these tips; however, I will say that these tips have helped me.

1.  Avoid various social media and online articles.  Why?  Because they tend to be superficial and disingenuous.  Using these can destroy your self-esteem and provoke anger - very unhealthy.  Instead of relying on online articles for sources, I recommend looking at the generic newspaper or academic texts.

2.  Pursue your hobbies.  Why?  Because it takes away negativity in the mind.  Instead of focusing on hurtful memories or people, change the channel and focus on something fun!  You like building models?  Invest in various model sets where you can build and be proud of your creation!  Like reading?  Go buy some exciting books!  Like making art?  Grab yourself a sketchbook and conte crayon, make creation!  Focus on hobbies that you love doing!  Trust me, it helps.

3.  Pursue your career.  Why?  You ever hear the mantra, "Respect is earned."?  This saying can be used for our advantage because it can go hand in hand with your career.  I'm a 5'1 dude, and I have to say, people have been giving me major respect for my career-oriented progress.  I go to one of the best higher education institutions in the world.  The point that I am trying to make, is aiming high can lead to happiness.  With more success or education, you will receive more respect and better treatment.  Also, as you know, education can lead to high-powered careers.  You know those careers, where bullies don't have the brain capacity and wit to attain?  Yes, those.  If you get into these careers, you can avoid these bullies, whom we know as superficial and hurtful.  There will be less of these people, and instead, you will be surrounded by mostly determined and positive people, which is healthy!

4.  Take down 'walls'!  What do I mean by this?  Walls are various perceptions that people hold when socializing.  They can be anything really... both positive and negative!  Get rid of the negative walls!  A negative wall can be the constant thought that the person is judging your height.  Get rid of this wall!  You don't even know if they are thinking about this!  All I say is, socialize without any walls, or false perceptions.  

5.  Get rid of external validation!  The ridding of external validation...  This is superficialness's archenemy wink.  Apparently superficialness runs rampant in the world!  It's looming presence 'dehumanizes' people!  After all, look what it did to some of us...  That's why we must rid it's major mechanic - external validation.  Superficialness calls for the individual to get validated by others through physical characteristics, i.e., external validation.  We don't need this!  Get rid of it!  I got rid of external validation because I don't need some 'girl' or 'dude' judging me!  I judge myself!  Hell, I think I'm a 10/10.   

Well, I hope the tips help you.  Love 'em, hate 'em,  It's all up to you.  Quite frankly, it was fun and enamoring writing this post!  The goal of this post is to uplift the downtrodden and troubled men experiencing heightism; nonetheless, I think these can be used by anyone who is going through negativity!  Take care, and be positive!   

Last Edited By unknown (2016-06-05 20:26:52)

Short Cadet
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Re: Some Tips for Shorter Men
post #2

I couldn't agree more.  I believe I'm the perfect height to do what God wants me to do.  If some bigot doesn't like me because I'm a short man, he or she should complain to God about it and wait for a response.  Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy life as much as I can.  As someone said, "The best revenge is living well." 


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Re: Some Tips for Shorter Men
post #3


Originally posted by littlemarcus

I couldn't agree more.  I believe I'm the perfect height to do what God wants me to do.  If some bigot doesn't like me because I'm a short man, he or she should complain to God about it and wait for a response.  Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy life as much as I can.  As someone said, "The best revenge is living well." 


What's your height littlemarcus?

Short Cadet
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Re: Some Tips for Shorter Men
post #4

I'm 5'5".  People have told me that they think of me as a taller person because I don't act like a short man.  I take it as a compliment, even though it's actually insulting to short men.  I wouldn't say to a black man, "I don't think of you as black because you don't act black."  That would be very offensive to black people.   But as I've written before, if wise black and Jewish people can handle prejudice with a certain amount of grace, I can too.  Prejudice is a weakness of character, so when we encounter bigots we are dealing with people with character weaknesses.  It isn't wise to let bigots ruin our lives.