Would you date 6'3 Holly Burt?
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Poll Expired: 31-Dec-2015
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Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..

Short Lord
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Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..
post #1

"Burt, 20, who currently lives in Bushwick, Brooklyn, refuses to date anyone shorter than 6-foot-3, but says she has a lot of options.

“Fortunately, New York is full of tall, hot men,” she said. “Guys will come up to me a lot and say things like, ‘Your legs are gorgeous’ or ‘You should be a model.’ ”"

I was going to get mad going into this article, but to be fair, Holly Burt is 6'3 which is VERY tall for a woman and being this tall, I can't blame her for not wanting to date men under 5'9 though she did say that she wants to be with someone her height or taller. To her, most men are short I guess since the male average height in American is 5'9/5'10.

Would you date her if she dated any height?

Short Knight
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Re: Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..
post #2

I am 5'7 and I would not date her. I don't like tall women. I like short women. Anything over 5'8 is too tall.

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Re: Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..
post #3

I would. I am 5'9 and honestly, dating a taller woman wouldn't bother me all that much. What would is the comments I know I would get from my family. 

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Re: Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..
post #4

Too tall for me. Not the height difference or anything, I just don't like women that tall.

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Re: Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..
post #5

Well, I guess she can date who she likes, but it doesn't mean any man will won't to date her.

Personally I don't find her attractive, I wouldn't date her, not that she's be interested in me.

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Re: Woman with longest legs in America won't date shorter men..
post #6


Originally posted by ryan10

Well, I guess she can date who she likes, but it doesn't mean any man will won't to date her.

Personally I don't find her attractive, I wouldn't date her, not that she's be interested in me.

I think women don't like it when men who they don't find attractive don't think much of them either. You're spot on with this one.