Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?

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Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?
post #1

I keep seeing this term on a buch of other forums and wonder if anyone is truly incel. Why are you incel? Have you tired to break out of it? Give us your reasons. What does an incel person do wrong that causes him to be incel?

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Re: Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?
post #2

Involuntarily celibate? Nope! Those people are usually socially awkward. I don't think height has anything to do with it.

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Re: Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?
post #3

It appears that the only people who use the word "incel" are "incel" themselves or a few steps from being "incel". People go through dry spells man, and unless you are really tiny, sex is not that hard to come by.

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Re: Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?
post #4

it doesnt matter, since i dont like myself being short so i reject all women

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Re: Any of you consider yourselves to be incel?
post #5

So you have a bunch of women approaching you and you turn them all down? I've never heard of a guy doing that! Plenty of average height and taller men have no women approaching them at all!