Any of you defeat depression?

Short Vassal
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Any of you defeat depression?
post #1

I believe this is a great place to get support from other short men who have become comfortable with themselves or were always confident. Were any of you depressed over your height or how you were treated because of it? How did you get over it?

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Re: Any of you defeat depression?
post #2

The brutal trugh is:

I never got fully over it, i found the root of my problems which mainly was sleeping with women. And i grapped it hardcore, and tried finding as many sexual partners as possible, which was very hard, and i had to euthanize my standards. It brought me as much confidence as it destroyed it. How ever, i would never be where i am today, if i didnt do it.
Also dating the one and only hot girl i could find helped a lot, even if she dumbed me, i can still say who i've dated, and people are woooaah.

Now im settled down with an above avarage woman, but i still feel the effect of it breathing down my neck every day!

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Re: Any of you defeat depression?
post #3

Jacksplat-- Yes, quite depressed.  No, never really, really, truly over it. 

Last winter I counseled myself -- read the books and websites on the subject, and started writing.  I created a long paper about ALL the aspects of being short, all the frustrations, etc.  I worked it out.  I resolved it myself, because I knew that no one could do it for me, and I wanted to feel free, and joyful instead of always seething inside.

I have a best friend, about 5'9"-- very average, and he's oblivious to the height issues.  He HATED it when I sniped about being short, and snarled about how much I hated it, because he wanted me to just accept it and get past it.  So, he was delighted when I told him he would never hear me snipe again. 

Am I glad I'm not tall enough? Hardly.  I have come to grips with it, that's all.  Just for my own sake, so that I stop fuming over it.  It's still a pain in the neck, but I am now spending my energy doing other things and not fighting it.

If I can help you at all, I'd be glad to.  We have to help each other, because no tall man, and no woman can EVER know the gut-wrenching pain of knowing you will never 'measure up' your whole life.