Any of you notice women over 30 are "more open" to dating shorter guys

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Re: Any of you notice women over 30 are "more open" to dating shorter guys
post #11


Originally posted by HossFlat


Originally posted by batmanbegins


Originally posted by HossFlat


Originally posted by batmanbegins

And the title of this particular thread is self-explanatory.

I cry because I fucked up in the past and that has cost me a lot, more than anything. You lost money, and you can get it back easily. I've lost my height and nothing I can do to regain it back.

But one thing I don't do is I don't delude myself.

Anyone have a napkin for this cry baby? "Wah wah I can't get my height back!" You never had it in the first place. 

Haha did your lame ass think that that was even remotely insulting or funny?

Yeah I do because crying about being short is what you do.

Enjoy it while it lasts then. 

Until you leave your house again and have every single person you see stare and laugh at your height.

Like what's been happening every single day of your life.

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Re: Any of you notice women over 30 are "more open" to dating shorter guys
post #12


Originally posted by batmanbegins

Enjoy it while it lasts then. 

Until you leave your house again and have every single person you see stare and laugh at your height.

Like what's been happening every single day of your life.

This does not happen to me. I am not sure which planet you live on, but most people could care less about how tall I am, they just get through their day like everyone else in the world.