Anyone else dread group photos?

Short Squire
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Anyone else dread group photos?
post #1

We just married off our last child, which means all three kids are happy, successful, and have great spouses. So, obviously a family group shot of the wedding gets posted on Facebook by a dear friend. And what do you all know happens next?  Of course, the dreaded post on the photo for everyone who knows me to read: "Where did your sons get their height from?"  I am SOOO glad my sons are not short and therefore not subject to all the lifelong pain we endure.  But, the dreaded comment.  You know it, right?  I have one choice only and that is total silence. My wife made a frivolous comment just to say something, but I know better than to comment.  You can probably imagine what I'm thinking and what sarcastic retort is going through my mind.  But, silence, my friends, is the best option.  Yes, of course, I want to go to that woman's FB page, find a picture of her daughter and post "Where did your daughter get her beauty from?"  But of course I never would.  It never ceases to amaze me that the comment is not something like, "Wow. three happily married children, that's wonderful." or "Beautiful wedding."  or "Everyone was nicely dressed and polite." Nope.  It has to be publicly pointing out to all 650 of my FB friends that I'm inadequately sized, like that isn't painfully obvious every moment of my life already.  

What about you guys?  Surely you must go through this too?  Do you also find that silence is the best option? Do you have people jabbing their fingers at print or digital photos and pointing out that you're short.  What do you do?

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Re: Anyone else dread group photos?
post #2


Originally posted by gymshorts

 But, silence, my friends, is the best option.  Yes, of course, I want to go to that woman's FB page, find a picture of her daughter and post "Where did your daughter get her beauty from?"  But of course I never would.  It never ceases to amaze me that the comment is not something like, "Wow. three happily married children, that's wonderful." or "Beautiful wedding."  or "Everyone was nicely dressed and polite." Nope.  It has to be publicly pointing out to all 650 of my FB friends that I'm inadequately sized, like that isn't painfully obvious every moment of my life already.  

What about you guys?  Surely you must go through this too?  Do you also find that silence is the best option? Do you have people jabbing their fingers at print or digital photos and pointing out that you're short.  What do you do?

But why didn't you? I respect your having class, but why do so many short guys not bite back? The reason why so many people treat short men as pushovers is because of the behavior your just described. When people meet me, they quickly learn not to try that *bleep* with me. Treat me like you would anyone else.

Congrats on your children marrying off!

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Re: Anyone else dread group photos?
post #3

I surround my self with people that means me no harm, and people that know my height is my weakspot. Through out the last 3 years i've taken apart majority of people around me, and threw then away, for either living the way they did, and/or are to deep in the social society which im not a fan off.


I've never had this happen to me.
It seems absurd that people mocking you over a picture, and that it was a woman behind it, comes at no suprise.

I would have bitten back, and wrote what you said as a response to her comment, hanging her out to dry for everyone reading her cruel post.
Altho i think she meant it as a funny joke unknowingly stepping on your feet.

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Re: Anyone else dread group photos?
post #4

For Minilinebacker:  I get what you're saying.  Here's the distinction I'm making-- she wasn't purposefully trying to diss me; her comment was the usual thoughtless, sideways insult and my point is that I only shoot myself in the foot if I try to say anything, precisely because she didn't do it on purpose, and if I make a stink, then I am seen as being 'feisty' or too sensitive, or looking for a fight, etc.  That's my point, and my frustration with this kind of statement-- I have no option but silence since she wasn't picking a fight.  Another possibility is to private message her and explain that it was tactless, but again, she would think I'm insecure, and not understand at all what short guys are put through every day.

Now, when someone intentionally disses me over the height issue, I have a whole quiver of arrows to shoot back right away.  I practice retorts so that I know which one to use when.  Thankfully, it's rare that anybody disses me anymore, anyway-- only a few lunk-headed in-laws or a total stranger, and I rarely go someplace where it is likely to happen.