Attraction to Tall Women

Short Cadet
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Attraction to Tall Women
post #1

Since I was a kid most of the girls I liked were taller than me anyway, but as I got older I found myself becoming more attracted to the tallest women. Nothing against short women but it always bothered me that I am limited to petite girls. If I could I would be with an attractive 6 foot tall woman but I don't even feel right approaching a woman that tall due to past experiences. Ive had girls laugh in my face when I tried to get with them and then see them talking to some tall loser for no other reason than Hes tall. I get that some women want to feel small in their mans arms but I can't help being attracted to the tallest woman in the room (long as she's actually attractive). I guess the universe has a sense of humor. Anyone else attracted to long legged women?

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Re: Attraction to Tall Women
post #2

It doesnt really matter to be rather if she is short or tall, as long as she has the features that i like. However i do not think that long legs compared to the body is attractive.
But if the personality checks out despite looks im go.