Being a short man in America

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Being a short man in America
post #1

I read this blog post and wanted to share a sad truth from it...

In the 23 years that have passed since then, I’ve come to two major conclusions about being a short man in North American society and they are thus: It sucks and no one wants to hear you complain about it.
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Re: Being a short man in America
post #2

It only sucks if you allow it to. Yeah, a lot of women are shallow but not all of them. Don't take the glass is half empty approach and it is fine.

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Re: Being a short man in America
post #3


Originally posted by Hunter

I read this blog post and wanted to share a sad truth from it...

In the 23 years that have passed since then, I’ve come to two major conclusions about being a short man in North American society and they are thus: It sucks and no one wants to hear you complain about it.

Very true.  Please tell me that it's ONLY/MOSTLY JUST North America that stigmatize the short man.  Because I really want to move out.

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Re: Being a short man in America
post #4


Originally posted by Larry

It only sucks if you allow it to. Yeah, a lot of women are shallow but not all of them. Don't take the glass is half empty approach and it is fine.

It is kinda hard to just let it fly when height shaming crap is all over. If women just let things go, would they have ever gotten the right to vote? I don't think so.