Currently dating anyone?

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Currently dating anyone?
post #1

My girlfriend is 5'3, two inches shorter than me. I find that when she wears her 3 inch heals it doesn't make me feel shorter because I come to about 5'6 in my shoes. We are evenly matched in that case. Being closer in height, hugs and everything else feels better.



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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #2

No but I was on a few dates last month. One went bad and the other one wanted "it" too much which is a red flag for me.

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #3

I am engaged to be married in October. I am excited! We are going to have a Mario themed wedding (we are a couple of nerds) LOL

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #4

Yes and no. It is complicated. We act like a couple but she is a bit protective and stand offish because she has a 4 year old son. I can't blame her but it would be nice to know where this is going, if anywhere.

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #5

> SharkApple wrote: >

I am engaged to be married in October. I am excited! We are going to have a Mario themed wedding (we are a couple of nerds) LOL


Congrats on that! I wish you two the best.

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #6

Yes, Congrats SharkApple!How long have you two been together?

Dark Willow
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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #7

Yes, I am. Her name is Kimberly. We have been dating (officially) for about 2 weeks now. We are taking things slow because I really want this girl to be in my life for awhile. She is real down to earth and isn't shallow.

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #8

> Dark Willow wrote: > Yes, I am. Her name is Kimberly. We have been dating (officially) for about 2 weeks now. We are taking things slow because I really want this girl to be in my life for awhile. She is real down to earth and isn't shallow.

That feeling is great and I wish you both the best!

Short Dame
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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #9

Thanks everyone! I appreciate it smile

Short Dame
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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #10

> Catman wrote: > Yes, Congrats SharkApple!How long have you two been together?


Just under 3 years. A good rule of thumb from what I have learned and based on others, is that if you are in a relationship over 2 years and you are not engaged, 80% is you will never marry the person. People who have been married for years said they knew the person they married was the one in the first 4 to 12 months of dating.