Currently dating anyone?

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #11

^ I never heard of that but it does make sense for some people. Not everyone is in a rush for tie the knot though, even when they know they found the one.

Jelly Kelly
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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #12

I am! We have been going out for around 7 or 8 months now. Things have been great up until a few weeks ago.

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #13

I am recently single so I have a lot of time on my hands. I made a mistake and messed up. Lost the girl's trust and well, here I am, chatting online with people I never met in person lol

Word of advice... When your friends think your girl is cheating, don't buy into it. Specially if said friend is paranoid.

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Re: Currently dating anyone?
post #14

Don't beat yourself up GoKnicks. We all make mistakes.