Damn, this is brutal. Family member berates cousin over height.

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Re: Damn, this is brutal. Family member berates cousin over height.
post #11

"I have never gone out of my way to date talllll men, but everyone I’ve been with or who has shown serious interest in me has been 5’11-6’4. 6’6 honorable mention (he was a hoe so I didn’t take him serious). "

In other words, the tall men she really wants to be with don't take her seriously and just use her as a fun hole for the night, or it's okay for her to be used by 6'6 men so she doesn't have to take him seriously. 

And why do certan people say "serious', when it's "seriously". Gosh that irks me to no end!

Short Vassal
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Re: Damn, this is brutal. Family member berates cousin over height.
post #12


Originally posted by jacksplat

I notice the taller women on this thread being the most brutal toward shorter men. Why is the question? On every board where men and women co-mingle, the consensus tends to be, "taller women have it just as bad as shorter men and are not so hung up on height".

Lipstick alley is a female-centric board, so in my estimation, this post is a truer representation of what they think. Of course, it's not to say that all women think this way, but I'd bet the percentage is way more that they let onto be when they're conversing in non-female-centric spaces. 

I remember when I was in graduate school, two women who I really respected said under their breath that one of our guest speakers s had "short-man syndrome" during one class. I remember being so offended. Not that it was said, but that I thought these women were passed that due to their general level of professionalism.

Boy was I wrong.