Data from Speed Dating shows women want 25cm height difference

Short Vassal
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Data from Speed Dating shows women want 25cm height difference
post #1

Women Prefer 25cm Height Difference With Their Male Partner | Studies | Short King | Short Kingz
Study shows that in a speed dating setting, women on average preferred a 25cm height difference between them and their male partner, while men preferred a 7cm difference (women being 7cm shorter). This leads to suboptimal pairing as a result.

You can find the Elsevier study here

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Re: Data from Speed Dating shows women want 25cm height difference
post #2

Does this study break down the heights of the participants. I wouldn't be surprised if there was data that showed this expressed more the lower the woman's height is. In other words, the shortest women are probably over represented in that height difference with taller women not requiring that much of a difference.


Short Vassal
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Re: Data from Speed Dating shows women want 25cm height difference
post #3

Height Threshold | 2013 Gert Stulp Study | Studies | Short King | Short Kingz

The following thresholds were extrapolated from the same study.