Do kids notice your height?

Short Knight
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Do kids notice your height?
post #1

My ex dated me and introduced me to some of her family. Her younger brother who is now 14 never mentioned the height thing until it hit a growth spurt. He is not 5'9. Anyways, we are still friends and all but her new boyfriend is 6'1 and her younger brother, before meeting him asked if he was taller and I think that was a shot at me. Not to be mean but I think he liked being taller than his older sister's boyfriend. 



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Re: Do kids notice your height?
post #2

I never noticed it but I am a woman and most women I know are under 5'6 smile

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Re: Do kids notice your height?
post #3

My sisters kid comented on it before but her husband is 6'2 so he is already quite tall for only being 11. lol He is my height actually.

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Re: Do kids notice your height?
post #4

I have had ome teens comment on my height saying I look 16-17 and I am 31. So what does that tell ya? haha

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Re: Do kids notice your height?
post #5


Originally posted by Spider

I have had ome teens comment on my height saying I look 16-17 and I am 31. So what does that tell ya? haha

I would rather look have my age and be short then look my age or older and be tall so you got it going for ya! haha 

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Re: Do kids notice your height?
post #6

Not that I know of but I don't really pay much attention to kids. I mean unless I am babysitting them they are just background filler lol