Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?

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Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #1

Hi All,

I just discovered this forum recently. I am 31 years old, and about 2 to 3 years ago i just discovered that women are not interested in dating short men. This somehow explained a big mistery that had always gone through my mind: the reason why i have always been single and have never had a girlfriend. I have gone through very tough times when we talk about dating. In university, i have taken lots of winds; all guys were dating (even thr short ones but slightly taller than me). Up to that point i could have never imagined that the height was something to blame. I was putting a lot of effort to date but was always unsuccessful. Theresult was quite catastrophic, as i ended up doing my first time with an escort girl. I wish i could have offered myself a better experience. But that day i remember i was hesitating a lot; i was 21. i said to myself at some point it has to happen, and was hoping to get more confidence after that; i did get confidence after that. Moreover i worked with a psychologue; eventually i started seeing some girls, but realised that this was not lasting long; never more than one month. At some point i dated a girl for actually 4 months but as we got really close to each other emotionally, she said to me that she didn't see me as a boyfriend. I multiplied short term dating (below one month) until the age of around 29, when i then started suspecting my height as a possible issue. by searching on the web i then confirmed that this is the main reason why i have never had a girlfriend; i have never had a girl saying to me that she loves me; even some of the girls i was seeing, i notice that they were only confortable meeting me in the house; we never went out in public together, etc. The truth is that this is a killer on the mental strength. I don't know how to handle this; every other attempt ends with a negative outcome. The reason why i was dating some girls at some point is because i had a nice car. Now i have gone back to uni to do another degree and i am confident that in 2 to 3 years after my degree i will be making around $300K per year. I am an intelligent guy and am studying at the best school in the world for what i do. But then it will be strange to have girls around you if you know they are there for money? My question is when you know that without this money girls are not interested in you, how can you handle that, for someone who wants to build a family and have kids?

People in my family, including my mum, have been making fun of me because i have never presented a girl to my parents; i have never had the opportunity to bring a girl home. My mum has been pushing me hard to get into a relationship and to have a kid, but when i tell her that my height happens to be a problem she doesn't believe me. I am only child. My aunties are making fun of me, and often i feel alone; i have no one to discuss this problem with. It's very difficult to be in that situation.

Note that i have verified this assumption many times and it turns out to be true that if you are a man under a certain height it's a NO GO, no matter what other skills you have. Some times i was even so close to finally land a girlfriend; so much close, but despite everything the girl still hesitated so long and ended up not giving me a chance. A lot of girls told me that it is true; a lot of girls have turned me quickly down as well in bars and clubs, saying that i am same height as them and i am not tall enough for them. I always feel like the last one in my group of friends; all have or have had relationships but i am the most mysterious one, whom people have never seen presenting a girl to friends or family. The least we can say is that this is very tough. And it is more frustrating if your parents do not understand you.

I would like to hear from short men who are maybe more than 35 or 40 years old, about their experience? How do things changes when people get older? How do women perceive short men at that age? I heard that being single at 35-40 years old, rich, and no kids make men high value on the market, no matter whether they are short. is this true?

Thank you all in advance for your answers! smile

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #2

There are a few articles on this site that discuss this at length. The short answer is YES, it does get better, but only if you yourself get better as in being great in all areas of your life.

There will be women who will not be interested in short guys no matter what, but many will adjust what they are looking for. Just be sure to look out for women who make themselves available to you because their own lives are in turmoil and they are looking for a "good guy" who dig them out of the holes they dug themselves into.

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #3

it is worse when you are older, if you are trying to have "diserable" women, women between the ages of 20-40 are really thinking about a long term relationship and having kids, and having a short guy for their weak genes and just being a laughing stock if they get married or go to a party with a short guy is a turn off for them, reality is as a short guy before you are 20 and after 40 if you are looking at a similar age women is the best chance at getting woman, before 20 a woman is not really thinking about having kids and a long term relationship, and after 40 her looks have weakened and her taller husband has left her and she "might" give a short guy a chance if you provide for her and her kids


of course if you are rich you are able to get a gold digger who is only with you for your money, but I guess you have to deal with knowing that woman is probably not into you, I laugh at all these idiot celebrities who are short who think their girlfriends or wives are with them for anything other than a paycheck, if I were rich and can get woman based on that I would just use them for short term flings, and I would try and record sexual encounters because if a woman knows it is going to be a short term encounter and she is not going to get any financial compensation out of it she is going to say you "raped" her and you are going to need proof it was consenual 


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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #4

No one likes short men at any age. 'Short' is an unattractive trait period. Now if you have qualities in other areas, they might sometimes make up for your shortness. But it depends on how short we're talking about.

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #5


Originally posted by batmanbegins

No one likes short men at any age. 'Short' is an unattractive trait period. Now if you have qualities in other areas, they might sometimes make up for your shortness. But it depends on how short we're talking about.

In your world perhaps. I am your height and have ZERO issues with dating and women chasing me. 

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #6


Originally posted by Suarez223


Originally posted by batmanbegins

No one likes short men at any age. 'Short' is an unattractive trait period. Now if you have qualities in other areas, they might sometimes make up for your shortness. But it depends on how short we're talking about.

In your world perhaps. I am your height and have ZERO issues with dating and women chasing me. 

In your own mind perhaps.

In all seriousness, no woman likes short men. If a woman likes Tom Cruise, does it mean that she likes him for the fact that he is short? No. It simply means that this particular woman is willing to overlook his lack of height because of his other qualities. But short itself will always be a bad quality.

Last Edited By batmanbegins (2020-09-12 07:56:43)

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #7


Originally posted by batmanbegins


Originally posted by Suarez223


Originally posted by batmanbegins

No one likes short men at any age. 'Short' is an unattractive trait period. Now if you have qualities in other areas, they might sometimes make up for your shortness. But it depends on how short we're talking about.

In your world perhaps. I am your height and have ZERO issues with dating and women chasing me. 

In your own mind perhaps.

In all seriousness, no woman likes short men. If a woman likes Tom Cruise, does it mean that she likes him for the fact that he is short? No. It simply means that this particular woman is willing to overlook his lack of height because of his other qualities. But short itself will always be a bad quality.

yea Tom Cruise is considered "hot" to females, he is also obscenly rich and famous so he has that going for him, as for a "regular" short guy? well if you are "hot" you have an advantage, if you are not you are probably screwed, the comedian Nikki Glaser had a whole bit ripping on short guys here at 1:48, she basically said you can find a "hot" short guy as they are probably available as they are still undisireable, of course a non "hot" short guy is probably screwed

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #8


Originally posted by d11221


yea Tom Cruise is considered "hot" to females, he is also obscenly rich and famous so he has that going for him, as for a "regular" short guy? well if you are "hot" you have an advantage, if you are not you are probably screwed, the comedian Nikki Glaser had a whole bit ripping on short guys here at 1:48, she basically said you can find a "hot" short guy as they are probably available as they are still undisireable, of course a non "hot" short guy is probably screwed

We have to disagree here. First off, the comedian is on the older side and not the most attractive. I get that is subjective, but the fact that she has to "look" for "hot short guys" and that it is a compromise tells you all you need to know about her own dating situation.

Second, there seems to be two camps here. 

Camp 1 - Short guys are undesirable, there is no hope

Camp 2 - Yes, short is not a desired trait, but it's not THAT serious if you are at least 5'5. If you are less than 5'5, then you need to excellent in other areas.

I'm obviously in Camp 2.

Why Camp 2? Because 6ft guys get cheated on. 6ft guys get raked over the coals in Divorce Court. 6ft guys also catch false grape allegations and used. The fact that they are "more desirable" makes them more of a target.

6ft guys can be ugly. 6ft guys can be broke. 6ft guys can have a small member. 6ft guys can be overweight.

A 6ft guy can be turned down because of his race, A 6ft guy can be turned down because of his career choice

A 6ft guy can be turned down because he has children.

Etc Etc Etc

In reality, there is a smallER number of attractive guys, and even if you pass the "height test", there are still a bunch of hoops you have to pass through.

If you are short there will be many women you will NEVER have access too, but you can be tall and because of a number of reasons, you won't have access to those women anyway.

As a short man who has been successful in business, interpersonal relationships and in dating, I can't emphasize the amount of women who would blatantly say "I'd never date a short guy, but there's something about YOU...... etc".

At some point, we have to stop kicking the can down the road and blaming women, society.

A masculine man will say "I have XYZ against me... now what can I do about it?". 

Women are allowed to whine and complain.

Men have to figure out their way. 

So either get LL and stop complainign



It is so easy to say "XYZ is a celebrity, has money, fame, etc and that is why he is able to get ABC even though he is short"

You think money ISN'T the reason why taller celebrities have access to MORE women and respect?

That's the whole point of this forum. At some point, a lot of you men complaining have to look in the mirror and maximize everything about you so you can stand out despite your height. 


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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #9

Nikki Glaser is post-wall, so we all know that women who all-of-a-sudden discover "hot short guys" are usually coming to terms with the fact that they couldn't keep a taller man when they were in their prime... so they're now making compromises. If you're a short man with game, then you know better. 

I personally think she is really funny, but that joke was more of a look into her soul.

For short men, women like her are great for target practice. Catch and release.

You can quickly live out your college of high school fantasy and then keep it moving. 

There is zero reason to take offense to her stand up routine here. 

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Re: Do women like short men who are older? Is there any hope there?
post #10


Originally posted by ThatFlyShortGuy


Originally posted by d11221


yea Tom Cruise is considered "hot" to females, he is also obscenly rich and famous so he has that going for him, as for a "regular" short guy? well if you are "hot" you have an advantage, if you are not you are probably screwed, the comedian Nikki Glaser had a whole bit ripping on short guys here at 1:48, she basically said you can find a "hot" short guy as they are probably available as they are still undisireable, of course a non "hot" short guy is probably screwed

We have to disagree here. First off, the comedian is on the older side and not the most attractive. I get that is subjective, but the fact that she has to "look" for "hot short guys" and that it is a compromise tells you all you need to know about her own dating situation.


Nikki Glaser is attractive enough that she will have no problem getting a guy if she is really desiring one, and she has the 1 thing that a guy looks for more than anything in a female and that is a "fit" body, unless you are an obscenly ugly in the face female or maybe one of these freak cases where you have an extreme amount of body hair, a female will have NO issue getting a guy if they have a "fit" body, a "fit" female is the equivalent of a tall male, as a short male is the equivalent of a fat female, except we all know which of these 4 people are pretty much screwed as there is nothing they are able to do about their situation