Do women really face heightism though?....

Short Cadet
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Do women really face heightism though?....
post #1

I've read posts on other forums where women claim to be offended when they are picked up, pat on the head and aren't taken seriously professionally, but in all my years on this earth, I have NEVER seen a woman picked up without being asked to (at work? from a stranger?) or pat on the head. If anything, men go crazy over short women and I see far more short women in positions of a authority (store manager for example) than I do men who are of a similar stature.

So tell me, where do women have it as bad as short men when it comes to heightism?

Short Knight
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Re: Do women really face heightism though?....
post #2

I do know that tall women claim to face heightism, but taller women are seen as models and benefit professionally from being tall, so this "can't get a date" garbage is self perpetuated.