Do you care about hair color?

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Do you care about hair color?
post #1

I ask because I am begining to think I am more attracted to darker haired women. I am not sure when this started but I saw a woman I was friend with a few years back. At the time she was blonde and I didn't find her attractive at all and now her hair is dark brown and I was taken back. Her eyes looked like they were glowing. 

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Re: Do you care about hair color?
post #2

I have always had a thing for blonde hair and blue eyes, but only natural blondes, not bleached. Women who aren't naturally blonde turn me off a bit.


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Re: Do you care about hair color?
post #3

I don't really care personally, as long as it looks good on the woman. I do prefer natural over died though.

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Re: Do you care about hair color?
post #4


Originally posted by Spider

I don't really care personally, as long as it looks good on the woman. I do prefer natural over died though.

It is bad if you can tell and you can't really fake being blonde without it being noticeable. 


Last Edited By Jinx (2015-07-26 22:32:20)

Mr Dixon
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Re: Do you care about hair color?
post #5

I don't care what color it is, I just prefer natural color. As mentioned above, when it looks fake it looks bad. It is hard to pull off looking a natural whatever unless you only go a few shades lighter or darker from your natural hair color.