Does dating ever get easier for short men?

Short Knight
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Does dating ever get easier for short men?
post #1

Anyone here struggle in their teen years and early 20s and notice or make changes which made dating easier when you got a little older?

Short Squire
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Re: Does dating ever get easier for short men?
post #2

I can't say for everybody, but in my experience, it definitely does.  Once you're past age 25 people focus on important aspects of a man's life other than height,, and then women start to reconsider.  Many women are looking for intimacy, companionship, financial security, a funny soulmate.  Once you're 25 years old, women around you begin to realize that the vast majority of them are not going to marry the huge hunk that the media has duped them into believing is a 'must-have' for happiness.  Then the field opens up.  I have relatives and a few friends who are also in my height range, and all of them found women who totally ignored the height issue, and went for everything else we have to offer.  My cousin has two sons who are my height and both of them are handsome, brawny, funny, great young men. And both of them have girlfriends who are crazy about them.

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Re: Does dating ever get easier for short men?
post #3

My late teen years, and early 20's was a disaster, the lowest point of my life, all due to dating.
Finding it difficult is a heavy understatement.

For me, reaching the age of 23, things started changing. I became more calm and aware of life so to speak.
once people are done wit having life foundations like clubbing and being addicted to the social media and society, thats when it gets easier.


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Re: Does dating ever get easier for short men?
post #4


Originally posted by gymshorts

I can't say for everybody, but in my experience, it definitely does.  Once you're past age 25 people focus on important aspects of a man's life other than height,, and then women start to reconsider.  Many women are looking for intimacy, companionship, financial security, a funny soulmate.  Once you're 25 years old, women around you begin to realize that the vast majority of them are not going to marry the huge hunk that the media has duped them into believing is a 'must-have' for happiness.  Then the field opens up.  I have relatives and a few friends who are also in my height range, and all of them found women who totally ignored the height issue, and went for everything else we have to offer.  My cousin has two sons who are my height and both of them are handsome, brawny, funny, great young men. And both of them have girlfriends who are crazy about them.

think it is the opposite, once women are out of their teens and their early twenties they are thinking about their life partner and the possibility of kids and they do not want a short guy, once they are over 40 and past the age of having kids and their looks have faded they might give a short guy a chance